Keeping an eye on climate exposure: an analysis of ocean tide-induced magnetic fields

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The rising of the global mean surface temperature and ocean heat content directly affects changes in ocean circulation as well as global heat transport. For the last 50 years those parameters have risen significantly. Today, monitoring oceanic processes is vital to observe climate vulnerability in order to predict its future state and the consequences of these alterations.

In this paper, Johannes Peterei and colleagues are using Coriolis data set for Re-Analysis (CORA 5.0) in combination with in-situ water temperature and salinity fields calculations, to determine how changes in the ocean climate affect the ocean tide-induced magnetic field for the time span 1990-2016. Analyzed relations between ocean circulation and magnetic field were compared with existing global oceanic warming and Greenland glacial melting climate model scenarios.

Significantly, the investigated magnetic field amplitudes show that the anomalies are 10 times higher in shallow water. The estimations correspond with previous studies expectations of modeled climate projections. Consequently, a targeted monitoring of ocean tide-induced magnetic fields in shelf regions is beneficial for the monitoring of changes in oceanic and therefore Earth's climate, the paper concludes.

To find more details you can read the paper: Petereit, J., Saynisch-Wagner, J., Irrgang, C., & Thomas, M. (2019). Analysis of ocean tide-induced magnetic fields derived from oceanic in situ observations: Climate trends and the remarkable sensitivity of shelf regions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 8257–8270.

Amplitudes of the radial magnetic field component induced by the oceanic M2 tide. Temporal average over the whole time span from 1990 to 2016. The amplitudes at sea level (left) reach higher magnitudes and are more detailed in their lateral structure. At satellite altitude (right), the amplitudes have decreased in magnitude. Also, the influence of small‐scale structures with high amplitudes at sea level vanishes due to the upward continuation of the signals (Petereit et al. 2019)