9th Annual EMAC Symposium 2019: The success story of the Modular Earth Submodel System MESSy continues

Sketch of the Modular Earth Submodel System MESSy

At the beginning of July more than 50 scientists from 10 institutions, including many scientists directly involved with the HGF ESM project, met at the Jülich Forschungszentrum for the 9th Annual EMAC Symposium, hosted by the FZJ Institute for Energy and Climate Research. The EMAC symposium aims at bringing together scientists to present their results that use and/or contribute to a further development of the Modular Earth Submodel System MESSy.

In 40 short presentations the scientists showed their newest model developments, data analyses and concepts, covering a large variety of different topics: regional modelling, new developments in cloud, aerosol and chemistry parameterisations, new concepts for the analysis of stratospheric dynamics and tracer transport, understanding natural ozone variability and anthropogenic perturbed ozone changes, effects of Mt. Pinatubo eruption on the stratospheric dynamics and the ozone layer, first results of the CMIP6 simulations, Lagrangian modelling, and the concepts and first results of HGF Frontier simulations.

MESSy is a software providing a framework for a standardised, bottom-up implementation of Earth System Models (or parts of those) with flexible complexity. “Bottum-up” means, the MESSy software provides an infrastructure with generalized interfaces for the standardised control and interconnection (=coupling) of “low-level ESM components” (dynamical cores, physical parameterisations, chemistry packages, diagnostics etc.), which are called submodels. Currently, MESSy features around 60 submodels and is connected to 4 different base models (ICON, ECHAM, CESM1, COSMO-CLM). Further, MESSy operates with 2 ocean models, contains a comprehensive chemistry model, two Lagrangian models and comprehensive diagnostic possibilities.

Scientists at EMAC Symposium 2019