Disseminating ESM Results

Communicating success stories and the efforts made to realize them is an essential part of each scientific project. Outstanding results and successful experiments will truly be so only when they reach the public and are fully acknowledged by the wider community.

The ESM project aims to make its science accessible to the broader scientific community, to users and policy makers. The project and its scientists make use of different channels to get their message across, not only during international conferences and publications, but also through ready-for-use materials and social media. In these pages, you can find out more about the project and its outreach activities.

Scientific Publications

The main channel for the dissemination of project results is carried out through scientific publications such as peer-reviewed journals or technical reports. A list of papers published within the framework of the ESM project is available under the Publications section of the website.

Outreach Materials

The ESM project seeks to increase awareness about the research undertaken by its scientists and the topics that are dear to its community. Therefore, different outreach materials, summarizing the work of ESM researchers in a concise and clear way, have been produced and made available to the partners. You can find these materials also for download.


International conferences and project gatherings are an invaluable platform to share results and initiate dialogues with potential partners and users. The ESM project seeks to promote and illustrate the cutting-edge research of its scientists by participating to the main international meetings such as EGU and AGU and field-related conferences. To see where ESM was presented, see our ESM at Conferences page.